GLOP and His Rock Thrower

Once upon a happy day, Glop was sitting by a stream throwing rocks at sticks and leaves as they floated by in the water. He thought to him-self, "I wish there was a better way to throw these rocks."

Just then he noticed an unusual stick floating by and quickly grabbed it out of the water. "Maybe I could make something to throw rocks with this stick", Glop said.

Glop tried putting a rock in the fork of the stick to throw it at the leaves. This method didn’t work because the rock kept falling out.

"If there was just some way to put a pocket or something where the stick forks, the rock wouldn’t fall out", Glop remarked.

"Perhaps I can use these stretchy vines to tie a piece of leather to hold the rocks", thought Glop.

After hooking it up, Glop tried a couple of rocks and it worked fine.

"I’ll bet I can throw rocks farther if I tied the leather out at the ends of the stick", said Glop.

Glop quickly tied the ends of the vines to the stick and wrapped them around until it was tight. Placing a rock in the leather, Glop threw it farther than before. The vines came unwrapped and hung from the stick; Glop grabbed the leather and pulled on it. The vines stretched way out and when he let go they snapped back in place.

"That gives me another idea on how to throw rocks", said Glop.

Glop grabbed a rock, put it in the leather, pulled back on the vines and let go. This time it seemed like the rock was thrown out of sight.

"Oh boy, this works great", exclaimed Glop. He then spent the rest of the day throwing rocks all over the place.

On the way home that afternoon Glop thought to himself, "This rock throwing stick is really a lot of fun to play with".

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